Franklin Wright Settlements in partnership with the Detroit Area Agency on Aging and the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Committee are hosting the 13th Annual Michigan Kinship Care Webinar on Friday, November 20, 2020 from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. The theme for this year’s event is “A Season of Thankfulness and Empowerment: Loving Yourself is Caring for Yourself”, a webinar designed for kinship caregivers and professionals working with kinship care families.
Anjanette Davenport Hatter, LMSW, CLC is the keynote speaker of the Michigan Kinship Care Webinar this year. Hatter is the founder and CEO of Harambee Care and the founding executive director of the Your GoodVillage Collective.

To register, visit Facebook, or Eventbrite, MI Kinship Webinar before November 16th. For more information visit, or, or call 313-446-4444, ext 5228.